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Kingdom of Innovation



I like and passionate about new technology but I also want to think how novel advance technology can use for something meaningful for all. I have special skills in coding and creative thinking. I am keen to learn from others and my current role models are Bill Gates and Jack Ma. Like to be with friends but I also like to be alone from time to time and think about myself. I paint myself as a leader as well as a good team player who can contribute to the team to achieve something remarkable. From my past experiences, we have only won a few times, but each of my failures teaches me a valuable lesson that I will need in the future.

When I was small, I wanted to be a pilot because I love to travel around the world and I am slowly achieving my dream of travelling as much as I can during my free time. Currently, I have travelled to only Nine countries and can't wait to keep up that counter. I also like to meet people and listen to their stories and want to write a book about amazing people who changed my life.

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